UT Martin is thrilled to introduce a dual admission program for transfer students, designed to ensure a seamless transition from community college to UTM after earning an associate’s degree from either Vol State Community College (VSCC) or Jackson State Community College (JSCC).
- Students will receive more personalized advising from UTM during their time at community college to ensure their classes are aligned to transfer appropriately.
- Dual Admission students will receive a joint university ID card that allows them to use some campus services and attend select UTM events.
- Students who do not meet the admissions criteria as new students at UTM can be dually admitted to both UTM and JSCC/VSCC, with all student privileges at their community college and select UTM campus services.
- Student plans to pursue a bachelor's degree at UTM.
- Student meets current admissions criteria for his or her community college.
- If college-level courses have been earned, cumulative GPA is greater than 2.0.
- Students can transfer once they have completed at least 60 credit hours with a 2.0 GPA.
*Student must complete an Intent to Participate form found at the link below.
Start the Process
Click below to start the process by filling out the Intent to Participate form: