Do I need to speak Italian?
All courses are taught in English, so no Italian language training is necessary beforehand. You may be motivated to learn a little Italian on your own before traveling, and you will certainly have the opportunity to take Italian classes while there.
Where will I live?
You will live in an apartment with other students of the program. Apartments include a kitchen and a bathroom, are fully furnished, and are all within walking distance of the school.
Will I be able to afford it?
Absolutely! The cost of a semester with UTM in Siena is less than $10,000, which includes tuition, university and course fees, most required text books, housing, and extracurricular activities while abroad. That’s less than what it would cost to attend a semester at a public university in the States! And all federal financial aid (and sometimes even the scholarships you receive from your home institution) can be used to help pay for the semester abroad. Generally speaking, if you can afford to attend university here, you can afford a semester with UTM in Siena. More information on price and affordability can be found on the UTM in Siena homepage.
What kinds of classes can I take?
Currently, UTM in Siena offers courses in Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Art History, Banking, Economics, and Music. Plans are underway to add courses in Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics for fall 2021.