UT Martin hosts Future Skyhawk Receptions -

UT Martin hosts Future Skyhawk Receptions

Students who have been accepted to attend the University of Tennessee at Martin for the fall 2019 semester are invited to one of several Future Skyhawk Receptions in the coming weeks.

The first of four receptions will be held at 6 p.m., Jan. 17, at The Gathering Place in Humboldt. This reception is for accepted students from Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Gibson, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy and Perry counties. RSVPs are requested by Jan. 15.

The second reception will be held in Martin at 6 p.m., Jan. 22, in the Boling University Center’s Duncan Ballroom. This reception is for future Skyhawks from Benton, Carroll, Dyer, Henry, Houston, Humphreys, Lake, Obion, Stewart and Weakley counties in Tennessee and Fulton, Graves and Hickman counties in Kentucky. RSVPs are requested by Jan. 18.

Receptions will also be held in Memphis on Jan. 30 and in Nashville on Feb. 19 for students from those areas.

Families are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided, and university administrators and personnel from the areas of housing, financial aid and the academic colleges will be present to answer questions and help students navigate the next steps in the registration process. UT Martin Chancellor Keith Carver is also scheduled to attend these events.

All students are asked to RSVP to Rachel McCollough, admissions counselor, at rmccol1@utm.edu or 731-881-7025.

For more information, contact McCollough or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admitme@utm.edu or 731-881-7020.


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