Below are dates for this month's maintenance. Users may experience intermittent down time.
January 18th, 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Monthly mandatory security patches for all services.
January 27th, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Turnitin will be unavailable during the maintenance window.
January Help Desk Hours
In observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the IT Help Desk will be closed Monday, January 15th and will return to regular hours on Tuesday, January 16th.
UTM-Open WiFi
UTM Guest has been replaced with UTM-Open and SkyNet-PSK will soon follow. UTM-Open allows for easier registration using your NetID, while allowing guests to temporarily register using an email address; all through a single wireless network. Secure devices such as laptops and phones should use eduroam for WPA2-Enterprise encryption.
Summer of 2024: SkyNet-PSK will be shutting down.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk at 731-881-7900.
Faculty Insights: Canvas Gradebook and Quizzes
"My favorite features in Canvas are the Gradebook and Quizzes. When adjusted for the Syllabus and kept current, the Gradebook gives the student a quick snapshot of their standing in the class - no nasty end-of-semester surprises. Quizzes can also provide the instructor and student the means by which to create a *free* homework option with publisher quizzes to use as practice. For some courses, this substitute reduces our students' financial burden."
Dr. Bryan Sandor, Lecturer, Mathematics & Statistics
Coming Summer 2024: Canvas New Quizzes
UTM will transition to Canvas New Quizzes in Summer 2024. This enhancement has been under development for several years and offers features such as new question types, the ability to print quizzes, and additional student performance data. The ITC will offer training this spring, summer, and fall to assist in the transition. To learn more, refer to this Overview of the Comparison of Classic and New Quizzes.
Canvas Tip: Help Students Navigate Your Course
In Canvas, faculty possess the ability to design their courses uniquely to their content and course design. Students, however, must learn how professors deploy the Canvas tools differently for organization, communication, and assessment. To assist your online students in navigating your courses, consider the following tips:
From the Canvas Student View, create a brief video that demonstrates how students will access your course material and assignments.
If assignments require students to use a tool such as Studio or Groups, embed the link from the Canvas Student Guides into the assignment description for students to access step-by-step instructions.
ITC Training Topics in January
This month, the ITC will offer training on Canvas Basics, SharePoint, Akindi Test Generator, and Harmonize Discussion Tool. To accommodate faculty schedules, sessions are offered via Zoom and in-person. Visit us in Runway for full session descriptions and registration. If you have course-specific questions, call the ITC at 731-881-7877.