Information Technology Services Newsletter

ITS Maintenance and Updates 

  • Monthly maintenance updates will occur on Thursday, May 16th, 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. This includes our monthly mandatory security patches for all services. Users may experience intermittent downtime.  
  • Wormhole and Global Protect VPN will be upgraded to version 6.2 on Monday, May 6th. Users will be prompted to upgrade on the next connection. Please contact the Help Desk if you experience any issues installing the upgrade. 


Summer Help Desk Hours 

Beginning May 5th, the Help Desk will be open Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday, Noon - 5:00 p.m. The Help Desk will be closed Sunday, May 26th and Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.


End of Support for Windows 10 

Windows 11 is now available for all compatible university machines. To provide enough time to replace machines that are not compatible, ITS will stop supporting Windows 10 machines on July 1st, 2024. To upgrade to Windows 11, open Software Center located on your desktop or within the programs list. Under Operating Systems, you will see the option to install Windows 11. Click Install and then confirm the installation. A system check will run to verify that your computer meets the requirements for Windows 11. If the scan fails, you will receive a message to inspect the error. Click Inspect and take note of the failure reasons listed. Please call the ITS Help Desk at 731-881-7900 if you receive a failure notice or need assistance with upgrading your machine.


Welcome, Canvas New Quizzes! 

This summer, faculty will notice a new pop-up window when they add a quiz in Canvas. The option will ask the user to specify Classic Quizzes (current version) or New Quizzes (new version). To learn more, please view this 30 second video and/or refer to this Instructor New Quizzes Readiness Checklist to assist you in the transition to New Quizzes.  


Hello, RingCentral 

Our phone system is at the end of its life, and we will be replacing it with a voice-over IP (VoIP) system from RingCentral. It allows users to make calls over the internet and use their UTM phone number easily wherever they are. Some of the benefits are: 

  • Supports remote/hybrid work. 
  • Supports multiple devices - computer, tablet, iPhone/Android app, or a desk phone. 
  • Includes free long-distance, voice mail, text messaging, and fax capabilities. 

Be on the lookout for additional information about this exciting change! 


Wi-Fi Changes 

As part of our ongoing wireless upgrades, SkyNet-PSK will be shutting down on May 7th followed by SkyNet shutting down on July 29th. Eduroam is the preferred Wi-Fi network and should be used for devices such as laptops, tablets, and phones. If your device is currently connected to SkyNet or SkyNet-PSK, you are encouraged to change your wi-fi connection prior to the shutdown date. Knowledge Base articles are available for connecting with most devices. UTM-Open is also available for devices that do not support enterprise encryption and authentication methods. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk at 731-881-7900. 


Top Reporters of Malicous & Suspicious Emails 

ITS appreciates everyone who reports malicious and suspicious emails using the Report Message button in Outlook and/or by forwarding to! Everyone plays a role in keeping UTM safe from cybersecurity threats and we must stay vigilant against threats.

Top 5 "Report Message" submissions in April:

  • Nancy Buschhaus - College of Engineering and Natural Sciences 
  • Sherry Whaley - Finance and Administration 
  • Lucia Florido - English and Modern Foreign Languages 
  • Gina McClure - Housing 
  • Tommy Cates - Management, Marketing, and Information Systems (Retired)

Top 5 reports to Abuse in April:

  • Lana Ferrell - Chemistry and Physics 
  • Angie Gertsch - Academic Affairs 
  • Mary Radford - Nursing 
  • Paula Gale - Department of Agriculture, Geoscience, and Natural Resources (Retired) 
  • Kameron Echols - Student Life

The Report Message button is the preferred way for reporting suspicious and malicious emails moving forward, but you can always forward anything suspicious to to be checked. 

If you need help finding or using the Report Message feature in Outlook or Outlook Web, please contact the Help Desk at 731-881-7900. and they will be more than happy to walk you through it. Thank you for your continued vigilance!


ITC Training Topics for May 

In May, the Instructional Technology Center will offer training on New Quizzes, MS Office Teams, and SharePoint. Sessions will be offered online and in-person. Faculty are also invited to reach out to the ITC for individual consultations on their classes. Please log in to Runway to register or contact the ITC at 731.881.7877. 


Information Technology Services Contact Information: 17318817900