IT Maintenance Updates Monthly maintenance updates will occur on Thursday, September 21, 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. This includes the monthly mandatory security patches for all services. Users may experience intermittent downtime.
SANS Training Deadline: September 30, 2023
Recently the Chancellor announced the 2023 SANS Security Awareness Training. The deadline to complete this year's training is September 30, 2023. After that date, the accounts of those who have not completed the training will be disabled. This requirement applies to all faculty and staff UTM accounts. The training is available in K@TE, and you have the option to test out of most of the general required training. You should have already received an email from with instructions. If you need help accessing the training in Canvas, contact the Help Desk.
Choose Eduroam for Your WiFi Network
Eduroam has been around for a while, but ITS has been making some changes and improvements. As a result, Eduroam is now the preferred WiFi network for access on campus for faculty, staff, and students. Access is the same as SkyNet when on the UTM campus, but you can automatically connect and get internet access at over 1000 campuses in the US and even more around the world without any other configuration. If you have any problems with wireless, please report by submitting a service request.
To connect, you will need to go to your network settings and select 'Eduroam' in the available networks list.
You will receive a prompt to enter your email and email password. For employees, your email format is and your password will be your NetID password.
You will need to make sure you accept any prompt for a certificate.
Update Your Department's SharePoint Site
With a new semester underway, be sure to review the content on your department's SharePoint (i.e., OneSpace) site. Check for accuracy of physical locations, contact information, and updated forms and resources. Check out the September SharePoint trainings by logging into Runway or contact the ITC at or 731.881.7877.
Improvements to Account Management
We are excited to announce improvements to your account management experience. ITS has implemented a password sync service between NetID and UTM AD accounts. All password changes for UTM AD accounts will be managed through the NetID at, and you will no longer change your password locally (ctrl + alt + delete). No changes to your password will be made unless you initiate a password change at
What does this mean for you?
Unified Password: With the new password sync, your Active Directory and NetID accounts will share the same password. Changing your NetID password will automatically update your UTM password, ensuring consistency and reducing the hassle of remembering multiple passwords.
Simplified Account Management: You will no longer need to manage two separate passwords for accessing different resources or change both accounts for the passwords to match. This simplification will save you time and reduce the risk of password-related issues.
Canvas Gradebook Enhancements
In August, Canvas rolled out enhancements to the Gradebook that include new tools and new placements of features.
Faculty can now create filters (e.g., modules, due dates, etc.) for sorting a course gradebook.
UTM Perspectives on Faculty Presence in Online Courses
In a recent summer online teaching workshop, UTM faculty were asked how they promote faculty presence in their online classes to promote course engagement. The following list highlights participants' responses.
Exhibit enthusiasm for your discipline.
Provide encouragement and meaningful feedback to students.
Know your students (e.g., preferred names, something about them).
Use a quick Canvas survey at the beginning of the semester that asks students, "What do you want me to know about you?".
ITC Trainings for September: In-person & Zoom Sessions
All trainings will be held in the 215 Meek Library Computer Lab, and simultaneously available via Zoom. Please log in to Runway to register for sessions.