UT Martin uses standardized reporting forms for various departmental and unit assessments.

General Education Core

General Education Core learning outcomes and courses can be found in the UT Martin Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog under the heading "General Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree."

Annual Assessment Report Forms

In addition to annual assessment reviews, courses in the General Education Core are reviewed on a five-year cycle by the Faculty Senate Committee on Instruction. The five-year review is designed to ensure that courses continue to achieve the curriculum goals of the General Education Core and the stated purpose of the category in which the course resides. For more information regarding the five-year review, please contact the chair of the Committee on Instruction.

Five-Year Review

General Education Core CategoryReviewed in Spring of Years Ending in:Next Two Reviews Occur in Spring:
Biological and Physical Systems AND Mathematics0 or 52025, 2030
Communications1 or 62026, 2031
Fine Arts2 or 72027, 2032
Humanities3 or 82028, 2033
Social and Behavioral Sciences4 or 92029, 2034

Five-Year Review Templates

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Every program at UT Martin has developed student learning outcomes for their students.


Research, Creative Activity, Scholarly Activity, Community Outreach, and Public Service

Each academic department tracks faculty accomplishments in research, creative activity, scholarly activity, community outreach, and public service through Digital Measures.

Five Year Academic Program Review

All academic programs that are not externally accredited are subject to THEC Quality Assurance Funding review on a five year cycle.


Administrative Support Services

All administrative support services units have set goals, assess data related to achieving those goals, and implement improvements based on the assessment data.


Educational Support Services and Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs and all educational support services units have set goals, assess data related to achieving those goals, and implement improvements based on the assessment data.


Assessment Guidebooks

All units have created assessment guidebooks that demonstrate the relationship between UT Martin's mission and the unit's mission and assessment goals. Within the guidebook, units provide the rationale for choosing each goal and discuss how its goals support the university's mission and strategic plan. Assessment tools and benchmarks are identified for each goal.

Each unit on campus, both academic and non-academic, have opportunities to interact and support UT Martin students using high impact practices. Within the assessment guidebooks, units include a discussion of how they utilize high impact practices in their work.

Academic units also include curriculum maps and connections between their curriculum and the Lumina Foundation's Degree Qualifications Profile outcomes in their assessment guidebooks.


Faculty Qualifications Report

When a faculty member (full-time or part-time) who has not completed 18 hours of course work on the graduate level for the discipline requested but whose credentials indicate outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contribution to the teaching discipline in lieu of formal academic preparation, the department chair must complete and submit a Faculty Qualifications Report (FQR) for approval prior to allowing that faculty member to teach the requested course(s). On rare occasions, an FQR may be needed for a faculty member to teach a highly specialized course within the discipline. Please see the FQR template for more information. If a department chair is uncertain as to whether an FQR should be submitted, please contact Stephanie Kolitsch for guidance.

The completed FQR request should include:

  1. A completed Faculty Qualifications Report template (provided below);
  2. A copy of the faculty member's resume;
  3. Unofficial copies of the faculty member's undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and
  4. Any other documentation, such as copies of certifications, licensures, etc., that will support the faculty member's qualifications to teach the course(s) in question.

Instructions for Preparing the Faculty Qualifications Report (PDF)

Faculty Qualifications Report (Word Document)

Once an FQR has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the SACS COC Liaison and the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The template for the formal review process is provided below. This document should not be submitted as part of the FQR request.

FQR Review Template (Word Document)