In October of each year, the university is given the opportunity to review current year budgets and make budget revisions where necessary. Revisions may result from changes in fall enrollment, changes in appropriations, carry forwards of obligations from the previous year, special one-time projects, allocation of unobligated funds from the vice chancellors to the various departments, or other unforeseen commitments. The Revised October 31 Budget Document is submitted to the UT Board of Trustees for their review and should reflect the University's best estimates of revenue to be earned and funds to be expended.
Departmental staff should review base budgets and compare to actual expenditures of previous years. If recurring base budgets consistently vary with actual expenditures (either by budget or by commitment item within a budget), recurring budget revisions should be prepared. If one time changes are anticipated, non-recurring budget revisions should be prepared and submitted for approval.
Helpful SAP (IRIS) reports for reviewing account budgets, prior activity, and current activity are listed below:
ZFM_BCS083 – Budget with Four Years Actual
This report shows the current budget, the base budget, and the activity of the previous four years. The account number should be entered in the "Fund" box and the current year should be displayed.
ZFM_BCS001D – Annual Budgets vs. Actuals-Dept
This report shows expenditures to date and current year budget. The year to review should be entered in the "Fiscal Year" box and the account number entered in the "Fund" box.